Posts tagged ‘Contemplation’

October 18, 2013

Who is your Author?

Joseph  Perry is the best person I’ve ever met.  He’s the happiest, most joyful man, he can not get through a sentence without a smile or a laugh. Even if your a stranger, the likelihood is if you are sitting within reach of him, he will be holding your hand to show love without any fear of doing so. At 85 years old, vegetarian and he has 50 years of sobriety, that is what I consider success and I point it out to my children. Spending an hour around this mans love has done for me more than thirty days in rehab. He is more than a father, friend and teacher to me, there is something that we share, that is in us both and I thank the mystery for this experience. Because all I know is real, is love. ~rg

click play and listen to an incredibly beautifully guided spiritual Recovery Meditation, recently recorded and as you listen, check out his soulful movements when he does these free spontaneous guided meditations, they just flow through him.



Joseph Perry From A Room Of Light


February 6, 2013

Look around.


Look around and see all the open space. In the rooms you may be sitting or the vastness outside; and ponder: What ever created me must really love me, as I can not begin to count all the available breathes to be had. We are always better off then we think. ~rg

January 23, 2013

They Should teach unlearning.

They should teach unlearning classes in college. As discomfort comes from not experiencing or living authentic to being. If we lack what we are wired to experience and stuff what is not authentic to being, it adds up to a blind programmed uncomfortable experience. So we look for relief in sex, chemicals, relationships, money, food, and image to quell the anxiety & depression stemming from the discomfort of false being. Everybody is at a different state of subjective consciousness (awareness) and ignorance, its the human condition. By defining god, we just take the infinite and eternal out of the equation as infinite and eternal has no beginning and no end, its not measurable. A definition of god, actually only creates separation with god, if you believe that god is not in every cell and particle of the whole universe including humans. If every cell and particle is not of god, then where did it come from, what is it of? God ether is or isnt. This is repeated in all ancient wisdom of Jesus, Buddha, The Tao, The Vedas, Kabbalah et cetera.  Because they all found oneness w the mystery of creation that we call god in stillness, within (not religion). Jesus did not say start a religion in my name, he said go within and be the light that you are. But regardless of our thinking or beliefs or actions, we cannot take the god out of anything as thats all there is. By defining we are playing god, not loving the creative source for this experience of life.

Man did not create man, so why does he play god. Stillness speaks much greater truths than words.     ~r


January 22, 2013

a self i can love

a self i can love











When I awoke I saw how incredible of a creation I was

Fell in love THAT me, as awakening is to see

I saw that I was not of me, but of the greatest mystery

Wrapped my arms around the mystery & can never let go

Because that is separation and I know that is impossible

I AM THAT I AM in form to experience and add Love

Grateful to be, as now I can Love me ~r

September 30, 2012

A Guided Spiritual Meditation in a church built in 1687 by Joseph Perry

September 9, 2012

dj suggests reading the spiritual contemplations of Thomas Merton

Recently I posted a story about dj the 87 year old spiritual teacher. Below is dj’s favorite prayer written by Thomas Merton and a picture of dj.

MY LORD GOD, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

September 9, 2012

I AM amazed by the mystery


May the first and most important Namaste be said to the one in the mirror, to see the Spirit in oneself. I AM that I AM. Than we can not help but to continue to heal and be of service to others. To show my self and all in my path great love and to have gratitude & joy in every step. Regardless of no understanding of what God is, I will be the light of happiness and return the love. I AM amazed by the mystery.

August 31, 2012

The Unknown Milk


The unknown

The unknown

Peace of mind, freedom and oneness with all comes from living in unknowing.
Unknowing is a obvious lesson from the mystery of creation.
Yet schools, religion, or others compulsively want us to believe their teaching of who or what we are or how to connect with God.

Can anyone truly know the big questions of life, where it came from and why?
Can anyone comprehend all the laws of nature, past and future?
Can anyone totally understand or control their own lives or others?
Can anyone explain what existed before this life or after this life?

No. Usually such motives are based on fear, self-centeredness or self serving.

But the unknown is limitless. Love and life was created by the unknown.
God is a mystery yet many have experienced something beyond self in their lives.
We have many blessings of life that show great love and care that came from the unknown, such as our lungs to breath, our eyes to see, our brains to think, our heart that beats. We do not have to try to breathe or try to pump the heart or do anything to these given gifts. We are created by and are apart of the great mystery that shows infinite love. It is beyond our comprehension and amazing without definition.

So why do so many say they know beyond what is perfectly unknown?


August 26, 2012

The story of a spiritual teacher named dj told by Ricky Gelb

“Say only prayers of gratitude”  The dj Collection

Press the arrow to hear the spiritual contemplation.

Prayer Of Gratitude by D. Jackson

Almighty God…..

…hear this my prayer.

I come to you on bended knee to thank you for the gift of life and all daily blessings.

Particularly Your gift of sobriety and my return to sanity and reason.

I pray I go forth from this time and place to carry Your message of hope and recovery to other suffering men and woman.

May I do Thy will always.

So be it.

~Duane O. Jackson~

August 24, 2012

From A Room Of Light – Spiritual Meditation by Joseph Perry at

Joseph Perry 84 years old
conjuring the light & love

August 21, 2012

Its all one

Its all one. We are all an evolution from the horizon of the big bang to this very moment, life is an activity of the cosmos. There is no separation, our problems come from believing we are separate from God, the universe and others. All spiritual laws of nature are the same in every tradition, just said different. There are to many examples of this for me to name, but I have found this truth in all cultures and from many spiritual teachers from The Upanishads in the 5th century, to the hindu vedas and vedic knowledge, to the tao by lao tzu, the torah, the buddha, the cloud of unknowing 14th century, jesus, all the way up to modern day teachers like tolle. And many more. They all say the same things, just in different ways of the times, because they are not making it up, they are observing it, awakening and can see it and then interpreting it in ways that can be digested to others in their times. Being you are talking about Jesus and the Buddha, a good example of what they both said in different ways that had the same meaning was: Jesus: Be in the world but not of the world and Buddha: Have form but emptiness. Both meaning, you are here in form in the material world experience but we are really more of spirit and there for be empty of attachments as its not whats real, only temporary. Basically meaning, our problems come from our own thinking, expectations, beliefs that are all manifested by self. We have been programmed by centuries of what is not authentic to being, from family, school, tv, peer groups and society. WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE DO. This is well described in the Gospel of Thomas where the disciples came to Jesus and asked “Jesus tell us what our end will be” and Jesus said “You are asking the wrong question, you should be asking what the beginning should be, because you have been off track since the beginning. He said: If you come to know the beginning, you will automatically know the end and you will never taste death.” Stating even our view on death is man made and thats why we possibly view it as a problem or end. All the great teachers knew, be still and transcend thinking then the consciousness will flow in when we are relaxed and not blocking it. ~rg

August 18, 2012

The 2 Steps of Co-Creating

Blue Energy Field by Teresa Wicksteed

The 2 Steps of Co-Creating:

1. Become aware of when our own will is creating a problem or resistance and be quick to take it out of the equation.

2. Learn to surf. 

Note: Going against the power of the ocean will not work very well no matter how hard we apply our will.
But, if you learn to ride the energy wave of the ocean with little self assertion, we can become one with the energy flow just as we can with Gods energy and it allows us to choose some direction. We can turn left, or right, do a jump, go in the tunnel, have an incredible experience of life, in the moment, full of joy and happiness.
So this is really about learning to surf in our daily lives, in an invisible ocean of energy that always surrounds us.
~ricky gelb
July 27, 2012

The inner eye

People that are focused more inward, care more for others in the outer material world.

People that are focused more outward on the material world, care mostly about them selves.



Ricky Gelb seeing with the inner eye