Archive for ‘Silent Mantra Meditation’

January 23, 2013

They Should teach unlearning.

They should teach unlearning classes in college. As discomfort comes from not experiencing or living authentic to being. If we lack what we are wired to experience and stuff what is not authentic to being, it adds up to a blind programmed uncomfortable experience. So we look for relief in sex, chemicals, relationships, money, food, and image to quell the anxiety & depression stemming from the discomfort of false being. Everybody is at a different state of subjective consciousness (awareness) and ignorance, its the human condition. By defining god, we just take the infinite and eternal out of the equation as infinite and eternal has no beginning and no end, its not measurable. A definition of god, actually only creates separation with god, if you believe that god is not in every cell and particle of the whole universe including humans. If every cell and particle is not of god, then where did it come from, what is it of? God ether is or isnt. This is repeated in all ancient wisdom of Jesus, Buddha, The Tao, The Vedas, Kabbalah et cetera.  Because they all found oneness w the mystery of creation that we call god in stillness, within (not religion). Jesus did not say start a religion in my name, he said go within and be the light that you are. But regardless of our thinking or beliefs or actions, we cannot take the god out of anything as thats all there is. By defining we are playing god, not loving the creative source for this experience of life.

Man did not create man, so why does he play god. Stillness speaks much greater truths than words.     ~r
