Founders Of RecoveryMeditation.corg

Joseph Perry is 84 years old and has been sober for 48 years. He has taught thousands of people in recovery to meditate in the Twin City area of Minnesota.  For 35 years he and his wife Beverly have opened the doors of their home fostering adult mentally challenged people. As a volunteer Joseph goes into treatment centers and churches and leads groups in spiritual guided meditations that help people relax, gain self love and gratitude. Many years ago Joseph started the first interracial AA meeting in Minneapolis.
H. 651-645-5122
C. 651-247-9271

Joseph Perry leading a guided recovery meditation

Ricky Gelb has had vast experience helping people with addiction issues of all sorts. He has an unusual gift of perception & reflection and the desire to help people. In the early days of the internet boom, he founded a web-based company in Los Angeles, California that focused on helping people in nine categories of addictions and other disorders, where many of the leading authors in the field contributed exclusive content, including Patrick Carnes, PhD (sex addiction), Melody Beatie (codependency), Claudia Black, PhD (drug & alcohol addiction), Pia Melody (relationship & love addiction), Jonathan Rader, PhD (eating disorders), as well as many others.

In addition, Ricky worked as an Interventionist & Case Manager primarily in the music industry and was involved with the Musician Assistance Program (MAP).  Previously, he was also a published, touring singer songwriter in Europe and the U.S. 

 Recently, he has developed an experiential process that helps people develop and maintain self worth & self-love by obtaining a new concept of self through guided meditation, which helps a person get in touch with the amazing authentic creation they are and to rewrite the false inner constitution that has been driving them in habitual thinking. The method is called Meditaining.

Currently, Ricky is working on a bookwhich chronicles his incomprehensible story of bondage of self and addiction. In his search for a solution and as a result of his addictions, he entered many treatments with little resolve, even with the immense education, knowledge and information gained on the journey. Finally, having lost everything he loved, on the brink of insanity and suicide, serendipity and some amazing people pointed him in the right direction, within. Having found relaxation, gratitude, love, oneness with God & peace of mind, he is inspired to share his experience and help others find their way.  

Ricky Gelb

One Comment to “Founders Of RecoveryMeditation.corg”

  1. Hi Ricky~ Hope you are doing well. I love all your efforts to bring recovery and spirituality to everyone, keep up the good work~ Many Blessings- Cookie

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